New Agilent TwisTorr 305 Turbo Pump

Connect with Quality Vacuum!

The TwisTorr 305 turbomolecular pump is the first example of a new way of designing and manufacturing Agilent vacuum products.
Performance, innovation, attention to detail, and reliability are the main pillars of this high-quality product that offers an impressive number of features  in a compact package.
Two main versions of this turbo pump are available: TwisTorr 305-IC, featuring a powerful and sleek Integrated Control unit, and the TwisTorr 305 FS, a stand-alone pump powered and controlled by a remote control unit.
In addition to the patented TwisTorr drag stages, which provide high compression ratios for light gases and high foreline pressure tolerance, the product offers  very low vibration and lowest noise level in its class.

Smart connectivity: Bluetooth, USB and NFC
The new Vacuum Link App offers remote control of the pump, making it easy to monitor your system, and providing a quick way to share pump information with your colleagues and with Agilent personnel. Support is just a few clicks away: Agilent dedicated Support Team will assist readily and professionally.

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